Cultural Experience
Experience the charm of the friendly Tanzanian people first-hand. There are several cultural heritage sites scattered throughout the country where you can spend from ½ day to a week with one of the 120 distinct ethnic groups making up the population. At the sites you will encounter natural beauty, including: rain forests, big waterfalls, magnificent views, lots of wild life, and, of course, the charming Tanzanians themselves! Your cultural tour will directly support the villages’ desire to become more self-sufficient, preserve their indigenous culture, and aid environmental conservation efforts.
Cultural Tourism Program Sites include :
Babati and Hanang, Engaruka, Ilkiding’a, Gezaulole, Kisangara, Longido, Machame, Mamba and Marangu, Mbeya, Mkuru, Mto wa Mbu, Mulala, Ng’Iresi, Northern Pare Mts,. Pangani, Southern Pare Mts., Western Usambara .
Tanzania Cultural Tourism
The Hadzabe Tribe the Hunters and Gathereres of Est Africa
The Hadzabe are a tribe of hunter gatherers who live in the area around Lake Eyasi. Their lifestyle is under threat from modern encroachment. They rely on tradition hunting, using bow and arrow and the women collect wild fruits and roots. Their knowledge of bush craft
offer a unique insight into a lifestyle which has not changed for hundreds of years.
The highlights of a tour to the area are:
– A fishing adventure with local canoes on Lake Eyasi while viewing Birds
– A chance to participate in local activities
– Camping
– Hunting with Bushmen
– Visiting local black smith
The tours are available for half day, full day, and two/
Babati & Hanang
Babati district is located along the Arusha-Dodoma road in the Rift Valley, South of Lake Manyara Park and West of Tarangire. In both Babati and the nearby Hanang distric. The people follow their tribal culture and traditions closely and visitors can mix freely with them to observe their lifestyle. The area has a rich birdlife with over 400 species.
The highlights of a tour to the area are:
– An exclusive Mount Hanang Climb
– A fishing adventure with local canoes on Lake Babati while viewing hippos
– A chance to participate in local beer brewing
– A visit to development projects like cattle and goat dairy farming, piped water project, bio-gas energy project
– Cycling expedition through remote areas
The tours are available for half day, full day, and two/three/four days:
Materuni Village a Last Village Before Kilimanjaro Mountain
‘A village nestled at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro waiting you to explore’
Materuni is one of the few villages of wonder in Northern Tanzania sitting at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. The village is blessed with full of all the beauty worth much visiting for holiday, week-end outing or vacation. While in the village, scenic view of Moshi Town and Mount Kilimanjaro is astonishing. This green village with fresh air from green vegetations welcomes visitors to explore the beauty of the land and cultural heritage of the Chagga people.
The following tours are on offered;
– Mnambe waterfall tour
– Local Market Tour
– Local brew
– Chagga traditional Dance
– Coffee & banana farm tour
– Volunteering opportunity
The tours are available for half day, full day, and two/three/four days:
Longido Remote Village
The tour to the extensive plains around Longido Mountains, 80 km north of Arusha, features an insight into the traditions of Maasai culture. The lush area is home to rare birds and mammals
The tour includes:
– A nature trail to spot birds
– A climb to the impressive Longido Mountain through a dense natural forest
– Walking safari through the Maasai plains and over the slopes of Longido mountain
– A visit to a traditional Maasai Village – A tour of historical sites dating back to British colonial times
The tours are available for half day, full day, and two/three/four days:
Arusha Ng'iresi
Ng’iresi is situated 7 km out of Arusha, on the slopes of Mt. Meru. It is inhabited by farmers of the Waarusha tribe.
The villages of Ng’iresia and Olgilai have the following on offer for visitors:
– A guided tour to farms on the lush slopes of Mt. Meru
– A visit to several development projects in the village
-soil conservation, irrigation, crossbreeding, bio-gas
– A climb to Kivesi Hill, an old volcano with a natural forest on the top
– A glimpse of the Wa-arusha culture
– A walk to Songoto and Navuru waterfalls
– A delicious lunch and dinner prepared by the Juhudi Women’s Group Different tours have been organized.
The tours are available for half day, full day, and two/three/four days:
Oldonyo Sambu
Oldonyo Sambu is located 36 km north-west of Arusha on the highway to Nairobi. The centre of operations is Oldonyo Sambu Market (also known as Maiko Market)
The programme includes the following:
– Short hikes up the hills to view the beautiful Maasai land and to get a glimpse of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Meru, Longido and Kitumbeine
– Visits to traditional Maasai bomas, markets and watering dams
– Visit to a traditional healer and the centre of Maasai women specializing in making ornaments
– Horse, camel and donkey rides across Maasai country
The tours are available for half day, full day, and two/three/four days:
Monduli Juu Village
Monduli Juu, situated 50 kms northwest of Arusha, is a cluster of four small villages – Emairete, Enguiki, Eluwai and Mfereji.
The following is on offer to visitors:
– A picturesque journey through the evergreen rain forest
– A medicinal tour of plants and herbs, which includes a visit to a traditional Maasai herbs doctor
– A visit to Naramatu
– a small factory where Maasai women make ethnic jewellery
– A chance to have a ‘nyama choma’ or roast meat meal with the Maasai.
– Panoramic view of the Rift Valley, Oldonyo Lengai and Lake Natron
– An insight into the culture of the Maasai and Waarusha
For more information about cultural tourism programs please contact us.